Lordship Farm Garden

the Lockdown Diaries

Gardening is 75% hoping for rain, 25% wishing it would stop and 100% utter astonishment at the senses-spinning spectacle developing around you. In lockdown, we realised, no-one would see it, unless...

Silver Edge

Months June 18th post

We’ve had a bumper year for iris with our ever-growing collection of Iris Sibirica (above) and a blast of colour from the bearded iris, mainly in the Kitchen Garden and Front Garden rooms.

Iris Mer-du-Sud

The deep blue ruffles of flamboyant Iris Mer-du-Sud light up the Back Terrace

Creatures: June 18th post

Art-loving Dragonflies

The two libellula dragonflies both love hunting from our garden sculptures

We’ve split the garden into seven areas – ‘rooms’.
Each has different conditions and comes to life in its own way each month.
The White Garden is pictured below.

Crambe Cordifolia - a cloud of white stars

Starting with March, we’re growing the site one month at a time. It’s a guide to what’s starring in our garden, what’s flowering in the wild and which open gardens to visit.



Plants are like children: you shouldn’t have favourites; but we do. We’ll gradually introduce you to them. Over the years, a lot of plants have been rejected so anything still here is REALLY earning its place

Blue Aquilegia

Here we’ll start to fill in your post-lockdown card to the gardens that inspire us. Good points and bad and when to visit.


Creatures is a monthly Post where we focus on the real stars of the garden

Dragonflies: flying machines

Dragonflies catch their prey 95% of the time. Here they are practising take-offs

Usually we get a warning

Death came as a winged shadow. Pic: Pixabay