


ripe with roses, ablaze with colour

We’ve selected a rose that has been a favourite for three generations, but also ten top perennials that make June zing.

Knautia Macedonica and friend

Our Whitebeam Allee sums up June; a froth of vivid blues, reds and pinks.

If you’re ever going to fall in love with roses, June is the month to do it. 
We fell for climbers, which cloak our walls, railings and arches but we also have shrub roses and ramblers.

This is a glorious month for gardens, but there’s one we always visit in June. Many have great roses but this one also has an astonishing eye for detail

It’s hard to find any part of the garden that isn’t flowering its heart out in June. The colours are primary blues, flashing scarlets, magenta and eye-popping pinks. This month is the hardest for us to select our Top Garden Room; every part of the garden is shouting, ‘Me…me…me’. Also, our owls fledged on June 1. 

Top June plants

Rosa Albertine

Maybe not the best rose over a year but for an early June hit Albertine is our pick. Neat Strawberry red buds open into flamingo pink blooms fading to salmon at the edges. Check out our Top 10 Roses

Top plants – when they flower – what they bring to the garden

Knautia MacedonicaMay-AugContinuous magenta madness
Double PeonyJuneLush frilliness
Mexican SalviaMay-SeptEye-searing colour
Crambe CordifoliaJuneClouds of tiny white stars
Potentilla FlamencoJuneA study in scarlet
Geranium MagnificumMay-JulyA cobalt flock held high
FoxglovesJuneStately tapering spires of trumpets
Variegated SisyrinchiumMay-AugSword stabs of pale yellow
Jacobs LadderJune-JulyWhite bells atop frothy foliage
Iris Gerard DarbyJuneIndigo serpents

And more...

Oriental Poppy
Geum Borisii
Yellow Scabious
Rock Roses
Iris Chrysographes
Dianthus Firewitch
Day Lilies
Anenome Rivularis
Phlomis Russeliana
Phuopsis Stylosa
Smoke bush
Maltese Cross
Stachys Macrantha


Whitebeam Allee

...best place to wander or sit

In June, the Whitebeam Allee bubbles into a foam of blues shot through the scarlets and shocking pinks. The catmint Six Hills Giant rings the inside of the Allee, sprawling out onto the gravel and providing the blue harmony through which the rest of the colours chime.
Five four metre tall globes of chalky-green Whitebeam (Sorbus Aria Lutescens) provide a second tier above it all.

Garden Rooms in June

White Garden
Pond Garden
Back Terrace
Kitchen Garden
Whitebeam Allee
Top Lawn
Front Garden
...June Garden to visit

David Austin Roses

The rose is part of our history; tied to royal dynasties and symbolic of historic wars. David Austin reinvented English roses and did more than anyone to inspire the move away from the sterile rose garden. His garden is the place to go in June if you want to immerse yourself in the scent and sight of roses. 
Pictured one of the Garden Rooms at David Austin Roses 

Wild spectacle: Ox-eye Daisy

Cloaking our verges from May onwards, Ox-eye Daisies don’t need much encouragement to start dancing.

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